Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Introduction of a Prey Model Raw (PMR) diet

Flowers is 8, FIV+, and is prone to UTIs. I had always wanted to feed her and my almost-12 year old Golden raw a few years ago, but wasn't in the right place, financially and space-wise. Having recently learned that my cousin had started feeding her smush-face baby kitten raw, it kick-started me into action. 

This is Grandpa Bill, William Whiskers. Who knows how old he is, my vet tech friend guesses 18?? He showed up in my front porch 2 weeks after I had moved into my new house. I gave him a bowl of kibble and notified my friend. She told me if he was there the next morning, to call her so that she could pick him up and see if he was microchipped and just a general check up. Of course, he was there the next morning, and the rest is history. He's now my Old Bill, with only 2 molars and no front claws, hip bones and spine popping out. 

6.16 - 
The cats try ground chicken. 
Flowers growls as she eats. 
No one threw up.
Flowers & Bill

I think I just scooped some ground chicken into their bowls, didn't weigh it anything, just a scoop. Plop. The day before, I gave then both a little bite of it, to see if they'd even like it. I knew Flowers would because she's always trying to steal any food she can get to. [She'll open cabinets, get on top of the fridge, risk jumping on to the oven. We need to make sure any food is kept either in the oven or microwave.] They both ate it right up. I had been reading that it's harder to get a cat over the age of 2 to quickly take to the switch from kibble to raw. I was happy with how this was starting! 

6.18 - 
Still just ground chicken. Rough estimate of what I would think they should get. Bill doesn't meow for a 3rd meal anymore, nor has he gotten one (around 10/11pm).

6.19 - 
Started giving mixed kibble w/ ground chicken
I was afraid they weren't getting balanced meals with just chicken. I later found out, it's okay to transition like this, and meals can be balanced over the period of like a week, each meal doesn't have to be balanced, nor every day, just as long as their getting the required nutrients over a period of time. 

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